The Candidate Coach People First Scholarship
Why This scholarship?
If we're going to talk about the importance of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), it means taking real actions to level the playing field, and putting people over profits. This applies to Admissions Consulting as well.
I was brought up in a community where giving back is extremely important. Inspired by the global outpouring of support from the pop star collaboration,"We Are the World", as an eight-year-old boy, my father built me a lemonade stand, where I was able to sell drinks to the neighbors as as fundraiser for drought relief in Africa. In scouts, we had countless fundraisers for many causes. As an adult I did a lot of charity work over the years with Esperanza, Habitat for Humanity, for the American Heart Association and in particular for Saint Jude's Children's Research Center in Memphis, Tennessee, where childhood cancers are HIV are treated in an environment of unparalleled support that allows the entire family to fully heal from illness. Besides this, for my own studies, I greatly benefitted from financial hardship and academic excellence scholarships, which combined, funded my education.

A 90% Reduction of Admissions Consulting Fees
Hiring an admissions consultant is expensive, and I truly believe having such enormous professional support should not be limited to those who already have a huge financial advantage.
Every year, two scholarship winners will be selected:
One for Round 1 and one for Round 2 in the same admissions cycle.
Scholarship recipients are entitled to the School Package* of their choice, as described on the Candidate Coach website, based on how many schools to which they will apply, discounted by 90% of the full price.
Prior to the deadline, applicants are requested to complete the Scholarship Application and submit their CV/résumé and Letter of Intent, describing how they plan to use their MBA to serve and give back to other people. Eligibility requirements, instructions, and deadlines are listed below.
*Up to six schools and 60 hours are included in the scholarship. Not to be combined with other offers or discounts.​​
Does this sound like you?
In addition to submitting a Letter of Intent, eligibility requirements for the People First Scholarship are as follows:​
Must provide documentation (official monthly salary, bank account, and rent statements) demonstrating financial hardship. Scholarship applicants' financial situation will be compared to country-specific data from the World Economoic Forum.
Must have significant volunteer experience or charity work, or work at an NGO or in social impact.
Must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited 3 or 4-year university or post-secondary institution. Diploma and transcripts will be required, just as they will for your MBA application.
Must have between 2 and 8 years of full-time (non-internship), paid experience at the time of application for this scholarship.
Must be between 24 and 33 years of age at the time of application for this scholarship.
Must have a competitive GMAT score, typically 645 or higher (or GRE equivalent), or have a verified unofficial score.
Must be applying to programs for which they would be eligible, based on data provided by the selected schools. Of course, we need to be realistic!
Must have demonstrated at least some leadership experience.
Must have at least some experience abroad or other international exposure.
Must display strong professional qualities and leadership potential.
Must have a strong work ethic collaborative spirit, and deep motivation for success.
Must not have been convicted of any crime.

Deadlines for 2025
Round 1: April 15
Round 2: August 15
Letter of Intent
(300-500 words)
The purpose of this letter is to provide more insight about the scholarship applicant. The idea here is paying it forward: For my education, I've benefitted from financial support along the way, and now I'm here to help people like you who may be in finanical need. I would like to learn how you can leverage your MBA, talents, and future leadership positions to help support others who need the same boost.
Please cite past experiences where your community service and/or leadership positions have helped others in need. Then please describe your vision of how your leadership can support other people, how you can give back, how we can prioritize the planet and people over pure profits.
Word count listed is a guideline. Above all, be authentic!
All letters and supporting documentation should be sent to: MbaCandidateCoach@gmail.com ​
Why 90% ?
​That's a great question! When we were building houses for those families so deperately in need, thanks to the amazing charity, Esperanza International, the house was never an outright gift. The family had to invest something - maybe a bit of money, or participate in the planning and coordination, or at least put in some "sweat equity." If the men were not working in a factory somewhere far away, they were on site with us, carrying bricks, bending reinforcement bar, mixing and pouring cement... The women brought us water and cooked us the most amazing Mexican food we'd ever had. When the kids came back from school, they changed out of their somehow crisp, white uniforms into rags so they could pitch in where they could, or at least play with us and share their joy. Most of us spoke no Spanish (at the time) and they (mostly) spoke no English. But we shared those moments and understood each other deeply. ​
You know how that cheap Ikea dresser you asembled yourself with that weird hex wrench is sometimes your favorite piece of furniture? It is because YOU built it. When we are invested in something, whether with our time, money, even our words and thoughts, we respect it more. We care more. And we have far better results.
So in the end, scholarship winners receive almost free consulting services. The symbolic amount they invest in having personalized admissions consulting services is next to nothing considering all they get. But it makes a big difference to them and to me. That's why.